Is the Eero Wired Connection Not Working? Get Back Online With These Tips

Is the Eero wired connection not working? I know how frustrating that can be. I’ve been there.

You buy a new Eero Pro 6 to improve your Wi-Fi speed and coverage. After a software update, you discover that your devices hardwired to Eero are suddenly offline. Why’s that?

That happened to me when I upgraded my Eeros to version 6.0.0.

I was ready to enjoy the benefits of Wi-Fi 6, but instead, I had to deal with connectivity issues.

But don’t worry, there is a solution. If you’ve followed the troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing issues, remember that Eero’s customer support is always there to assist you.

In this article, I’ll explain how to fix your Eero wired connection using a few simple troubleshooting steps.

You don’t need to be a tech expert or have special tools; you need a bit of patience. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to restore your wired connection and enjoy fast speeds again, feeling confident in your ability to troubleshoot.

Let’s crack this!

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Four reasons why your wired connection may not work.

Faulty Cables

A common issue affecting your Eero wired connection is a faulty or low-quality Ethernet cable.

Suppose your cables are damaged, loose, or incompatible with your network. In that case, they can cause connection problems or slow your network performance. These issues can lead to frequent connection drops, slow internet speeds, and a frustrating network experience if left unresolved. It’s essential to address these issues promptly to avoid these potential problems.

To avoid this issue, it’s crucial to always use high-quality Ethernet cables that meet your network’s standards. 

For example, if you have a gigabit internet service, you should use Cat 6 or higher Ethernet cables. These cables can support higher bandwidth and faster data transfer than older cables like Cat 5 or Cat 5e.

You should also inspect your Ethernet cables regularly and make sure they are not bent, twisted, kinked, or cut.

These physical damages can interfere with signal transmission and cause packet loss or errors.

If you find any problems with your Ethernet cables, you should replace them immediately.

A new, high-quality Ethernet cable can significantly improve your Eero wired connection and network performance. By resolving this issue, you can enjoy faster internet speeds, more reliable connections, and a better overall network experience.

Outdated Firmware

The software version on your Eero devices should update automatically overnight when not in use.

If your firmware is outdated, it may not be compatible with the latest network standards or security features.

I solved it by updating the software to a newer version in my particular situation.

Keep your Eero devices up-to-date with the latest firmware version to avoid this issue. You can also manually check for updates and install them if available. To do this, follow these steps:

Open the Eero app on your smartphone or tablet.

Tap on the Menu in the top left corner of the screen.

Tap on Network Settings and scroll down to Network Software.

If an update is available, you will see a message saying, “Update available.” Tap on Update Now to start the installation process.

Wait for the Update to complete. Your Eero devices will reboot during the Update and may temporarily disconnect from the network. Do not unplug or power off your Eero devices during the Update.

Network Configuration Issues

The design of your network can affect how well your wired devices perform.

Use an unmanaged network switch when adding extra ethernet ports to your Eero network.

Connecting the ethernet switch to your Eero device, not your modem, is essential.

This connection will ensure the smooth and efficient operation of your network.

Defective Eero Devices

Eero devices are durable and reliable but can malfunction or break down for various reasons.

For example, your Eero device may have a defective Ethernet port, a damaged power adapter, or a corrupted firmware.

You should always test and diagnose your Eero devices for defects or errors to avoid this issue. Some of the steps that you can take are:

Check the LED status of your Eero device: The LED light on the front of your Eero device indicates the status of your device and network. A solid white LED means your device usually works and is connected to the internet. If the LED is blinking white, it means that your device is booting up or updating. If the LED is solid red, it means that your device has lost connection to the internet or has a hardware problem. If the LED blinks red, your device will have a severe error, and you must reset it.

Swap your Eero device with another one: If you have more than one Eero device on your network, you can swap them to see if the problem persists or moves with the device. For example, suppose you suspect your gateway Eero has a faulty Ethernet port. In that case, you can swap it with another Eero and see if the wired connection works. Swapping can help you isolate the problem and identify which device is faulty.

Reset your Eero device: If none of the above steps work, you can try resetting your Eero device to its factory settings. Resetting can help you fix software issues or glitches affecting your wired connection. To reset it, locate the reset button on the device and press it for five seconds.

Troubleshooting Eero Wired Connection: Step-by-Step Guide

Blocked Devices on the Eero App 

Eero might occasionally block specific devices from accessing the network.

If your wired connection isn’t working, check the Eero app for blocked devices. Unblocking the device should resolve the issue.

Disabled Ethernet on the Computer

If you’re connecting via a computer, enable the computer’s Ethernet in the network settings.

Sometimes, a simple oversight turns off the Ethernet connection, causing the wired connection to fail.

Obsolete Ethernet Drivers

Outdated Ethernet drivers can often be the culprit behind a malfunctioning wired connection.

Try updating your Ethernet drivers to the latest versions.

This step is particularly crucial if you’ve recently encountered connectivity issues after a system update or hardware change.

Network Reset

Sometimes, a network glitch might cause a wired connection problem.

Consider resetting the network settings on your Eero system.

Delete the network configuration and perform a reset on each Eero device.

Then, proceed to set up the network again from scratch.

This process can often resolve stubborn connectivity issues.

Check Physical Connections

One of the most critical factors for a successful Eero wired connection is adequately connected Ethernet cables and devices. If you do not plug the cables securely or correctly, they can cause connection issues or poor network performance.

An easy way to troubleshoot your Eero wired connection is to ensure you firmly and correctly connect to the correct ports. To do this

Unplug all the Ethernet cables from your Eero devices, modem, switch, and wired devices.

Inspect the Ethernet cables for any physical damage or wear and tear. If you find any, replace them with new ones.

Inspect the Ethernet ports on your Eero devices, modem, switch, and wired devices. Please make sure they are clean and free of dust or debris. Use a compressed air can or a soft cloth to clean them gently if you find any.

Plug the Ethernet cords back into the correct ports. Ensure they click into place and do not wiggle or fall out easily.

Verify that your Eero devices, modem, switch, and connected devices have a stable LED status.

Power Cycle Your Eero Devices

Power cycling means turning off and then on your Eero devices. This process can help you resolve any temporary glitches or errors affecting your wired connection.

Eero Customer Support and Resources

Suppose you have followed the steps in this guide and still have issues with your Eero wired connection. In that case, you can contact Eero customer service for further assistance.

You can reach Eero customer support here.

You can also find additional troubleshooting help from online resources, FAQs, and community forums that Eero provides.


Can I connect all my Eeros using Ethernet?

Yes, you can connect your Eeros via an ethernet backhaul. If you have an Ethernet network in your home, you can take advantage of it. The advantage of using a wired network is that it reduces the risk of wireless interference.

While it’s possible to connect Eeros via an Ethernet connection, you can connect an Eero beacon in this way because the device doesn’t have an Ethernet port. However, you can connect it wirelessly with other hardwired Eeros.


This article has helped you troubleshoot and fix your Eero wired connection issue. Following the steps in this guide, you can re-establish an internet connection with your connected devices.

Suppose you still have questions or problems with your Eero wired connection. In that case, you can always contact Eero customer support for further assistance.

Ed Harris

Ed Harris

Ed Harris is a Vancouver-based writer. With a passion for routers and home networks, he provides readers with engaging, easy-to-read and informative content.