How to Improve Eero Performance: Must-Know Tips to Resolve Speed Issues

Are you experiencing a drastic drop in internet speed when using your Eero system compared to connecting directly to your modem? 

You’re not alone. 

Many users face this frustrating issue, witnessing their blazing-fast 300Mbps speeds dwindle to 30 Mbps. 

You might even wonder if there are hidden settings or configurations that could boost your internet speeds with your Eero systems. 

We’ve been there and had to tweak things to get close to the speed we pay for. So you, too, can follow our techniques and improve the performance of your Eero device. 

Imagine using your Eero devices for seamless streaming, lag-free gaming, and lightning-fast downloads without experiencing that drop in speed. 

This guide shows you where to look and how to improve Eero’s performance with some tweaks we’ve tried. Let’s get to it.

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Common Reasons for Slow Eero Performance

As much as we rely on a strong and fast internet connection, it can be frustrating when our Eero system doesn’t perform at its best.

Slow Eero performance can leave us feeling frustrated.

Here are some common reasons for slow Eero performance, but don’t worry; we’ve got solutions that can help improve your WiFi speed and connectivity. These solutions have been tried and tested, and they work.

Interference from Other Devices

One common reason for slow Eero performance is interference from other devices.

This effect is caused by electronic devices such as cordless phones, microwave ovens, baby monitors, and even neighboring WiFi networks. These devices, when operating on the same frequency as your Eero network, can cause signal interference and slower speeds.

These devices can operate on the same frequency as your Eero network, causing signal interference and slower speeds.

Distance from the Router

Another common reason for slow Eero performance is the distance between your devices and the primary router.

The farther away you are from the router, the weaker the signal strength and the slower the connection.

This experience is particularly true in larger homes or homes with multiple floors.

To address this issue, consider adding additional Eero devices to extend your network’s coverage.

Obstacles and Physical Barriers

Physical barriers such as walls, furniture, and appliances can impact the performance of your Eero system.

These obstacles can weaken the WiFi signal and result in slower speeds.

To improve Eero’s performance, consider the layout of your home and the placement of your devices.

Avoid placing Eero devices near thick walls or objects that may interfere with the signal.

Place Eero devices in open areas or use an Ethernet backhaul to connect them.

A wired backhaul can provide faster and more reliable speeds by bypassing potential barriers.

Too Many Connected Devices

Having an excessive number of connected devices can strain your Eero system and result in slower speeds.

Each connected device requires bandwidth, and too many devices competing for the same bandwidth can reduce performance.

Take an inventory of the devices connected to your Eero network and consider disconnecting any that are not in use or unnecessary.

How We Drastically Increase Our Eero Performance Without Using Additional Hardwares.

Tweaking all the Eero settings to improve our speeds is one path we’ve taken in this journey.

But one technique solved our problem. From the 1.5GB speed fiber our ISP supplied us, we got 900MBps after following these steps.

The best part was that it didn’t require using or purchasing additional equipment. Let me show you how simple it is to do. 

Start by removing all Eero routers from your network. Open the Eero app to Settings > Network Settings > Advanced Settings. Select each Eero and choose “Remove Device.”

If the drop in speed persists, delete the network. To delete an Eero network, you need to only remove the gateway Eero from the network, which also deletes the network.

Connect only the gateway Eero to your modem and set it up as a new network. For easy device connectivity, you can give it the same network name and password.

Perform a speed test with only a single Eero connected. If issues persist, you may need to contact Eero support.

However, if speeds improve with just a single device, slowly add back your other Eeros. Allow each one to update its firmware fully before connecting to the next.

Monitor performance as you expand the mesh. If WiFi speeds drop or problems arise after adding a certain Eero, that unit may malfunction. Try swapping its placement or contact Eero if problems continue with that router.

More Tips To Improve Your Eero Performance

You can use various strategies and tips to maximize your Eero system’s performance.

You can use various strategies and tips to maximize your Eero system’s performance.

Put your modem in bridge mode.

If the modem you’re using generates its wireless signal, it’s a good idea to turn it off. Two WiFi networks generated closely will cause interference. Log in to your modem settings and turn off bridge mode.

Avoid using too many Eeros in your setup.

Using too many Eero devices doesn’t necessarily increase your speed. Instead, they will bog down the mesh and add unnecessary interference.


  1. You should only add nodes if you have dead zones. 
  2. When replacing your node, use an Eero Pro 6, which offers better performance and coverage and is compatible with WiFi 6 devices.
  3. Using a wired node instead of a beacon will significantly increase the throughput.

Reposition your Eero.

Positioning your eeros throughout your home is crucial in optimizing their performance.

For a more reliable WiFi connection, strategically repositioning your Eeros can ensure better signal strength and faster speeds. Here are some tips on how to find the optimal locations.

Consider the Layout of Your House

To begin with, assess the layout of your house. Factors such as the number of floors and thick walls or appliances can impact the WiFi signal. Consider the locations where you have a weak or no signal at all. These areas may need special attention when repositioning your Eeros.

Optimal Positioning

Start by ensuring a clear line of sight between your Eero nodes.

It’s always best to place your Eeros in a central location for optimal performance.

You can perform a simple WiFi signal speed test to determine the optimal locations for your Eero devices.

To improve the WiFi signal and speed in your home, you can walk around with a device that measures the strength of the signal, such as a smartphone or tablet.

Take note of any areas with poor signal strength. Repositioning your Eero device or adding extra Eeros to establish a stronger connection may be necessary.

Distance and Signal Strength

In addition to the line of sight, consider the distance between your eero nodes.

Eero support recommends keeping about 30 – 50 feet of separation between each node for optimal performance.

This distance allows for efficient signal transmission and avoids interference.

Limit the number of devices connected to each eero.

A large number of connected devices can impact your Eero network’s performance.

Though Eero Pro 6E can handle over 100 devices, keeping connections under 15 is ideal.

To view your connected devices, open the Eero app and tap on the Devices tab. This tab shows all smartphones, computers, smart home gadgets, and other devices using your network.

We recommend minimizing connected devices to ensure the best network speeds.

Prioritize the essentials like your phone, computer, and smart TV.

Consider temporarily disconnecting devices not frequently used, like extra smart speakers or wireless printers.

You can also remove devices that are no longer on your network. Tap the device name, then tap “Forget This Device”. This action removes it from your list, which helps declutter your connections. You can quickly connect forgotten devices later if needed.

Disable Eero Labs

The Eero Labs section in the app contains experimental features that can sometimes cause issues.

Disabling Eero Labs is an easy way to improve performance and stability.

To turn off Eero Labs:

Open the Eero app on your phone and tap the Settings icon in the lower right.

Scroll down and select “Eero Labs”.

Toggle the switch next to each Eero Labs feature to the OFF position. Features include Band Steering, Local DNS Caching, and more.

Tap outside of the Eero Labs menu to go back to Settings. This action saves your recent changes.

With Eero Labs disabled, your system relies only on the standard tried-and-tested Eero features. Disabling it eliminates any conflicts the labs may cause.

Turning Eero Labs off resulted in a smoother Eero experience for most users.

Use Wired Connections

For optimal Eero performance, we recommend a wired internet connection over wireless.

Ethernet cables provide faster, consistent speeds compared to WiFi connections.

While wireless offers flexibility, factors like distance, interference, and obstructions can degrade signals.

Hardwire your Eero node to maximize internet speeds reaching your mesh system. You can also wire other Eero nodes. Use Ethernet cables for devices like desktop PCs and smart TVs to enjoy lag-free connectivity.

Summing It Up

Achieving an optimized Eero network may seem daunting, but this guide breaks it into clear, actionable steps.

You can troubleshoot issues and optimize for speedy, reliable connections with a few targeted tweaks.

Don’t settle for patchy streaming or sluggish smart devices. Take control and maximize your Eero system’s potential for WiFi speed, range, and reliability.

Use these proven techniques discussed in this guide to cut slow Eero networks.

With a high-performance wireless environment, you can work productively, be entertained seamlessly, and automate your home smoothly.

Ed Harris

Ed Harris

Ed Harris is a Vancouver-based writer. With a passion for routers and home networks, he provides readers with engaging, easy-to-read and informative content.